Donate to ECHOS

For other contributions, please follow the instructions below.

Click on the button to make an online contribution.

Mother’s Day 2024 Gifts for Your Mom!

Give a gift in honor of your Mom or Grandmother–even your Mother-in-Law! And ECHOS will send them a Mother’s Day card letting them know about your donation. It’s easy:

  • Click on the Donate button above
  • Add an amount
  • Type your honoree’s contact details at the top under “Add special instructions to the seller”
  • ECHOS will send their card the same day

Other Gifts in Honor of/Memory of Someone Special

Give a gift in honor or in memory of someone special. This can be for a Birthday, Christmas or any occasion. ECHOS will acknowledge all of your gifts–both to the giver and to the honoree.

Matching Gifts

If your organization has a corporate match program, let us know. Please contact Jennifer at 713-270-0369 ext. 105 or, and we will be happy to assist in adding ECHOS to this program.

ECHOS is a 501(c)3 organization. All gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law.